Recent Grants
The nature of ACEST grants has changed over the years as the size, shape and deployment of the Armed Forces has evolved and to take account of the many advances in technology.
Within the experience of current Trustees, most grants have been secular in nature, with some exceptions such as Congregation seating for HMS Queen Elizabeth, new vestments for Aldershot Garrison Church and funding for a pilgrimage to Canterbury.
Latterly grants have been made for refurbishment of junior rank clubs, community centres and crèches, and for sports and fitness equipment. The Trust have also supported the publication of a Prayer Book for Cadets, p.a. equipment for the Winchester Military Wives Choir and a new Family Welfare Hub in Aldershot.
Where Trust funds have been available grants have been made to projects helping serving and ex-service personnel for all armed forces, Alexandra Hospital Home, Combat Stress, Blind Veterans UK and Care for Veterans, in view of their strong support of ex-Servicemen and women.
The Trust also contributed towards building 'The Cribb' at Mike Jackson House, through the Church Housing Trust, which was opened in 2013. Lately they granted £6k towards the replacement and renovation of the much used gym equipment at the Centre.
In 2018 the Trustees contributed towards the installation of LED lighting at Queen Alexandra Hospital Home (QAHH) in Worthing, saving them a considerable amount in electricity. More recently the Trust was able to further support them (now called Care for Veterans), with £10k towards the purchase of a mini electric ambulance.
In 2022 the Trust was pleased to be able to contribute £10k towards the refurbishment of the new centre for Blind Veterans UK at Rustington with the provision of a Spa Bathroom.
The Trustees have been glad to support the creation of a therapeutic garden and a vegetable garden for Combat Stress at their treatment centre in Leatherhead.