The Trust helped fund an ambulance for Care for Veterans
Welcome to our website
The Aldershot Church of England Services Trust (ACEST) is a registered charity (number 204018) and is a trust with principally restricted funds. The income from the invested restricted fund is used to fulfil grant applications that meet the Trust's remit.
Who we help
The Trust is here to help members and former members of the Armed Forces of the Crown resident or serving in the area of benefit, and the dependants of such members. Also those serving as Reserves or Cadets.
Grants awarded in recent years have varied in value. For example two hundred pounds was granted to support a Pilgrimage by young soldiers to Canterbury. At the other end of the scale twelve thousand pounds was awarded for the Congregational seating in the Chapel aboard HMS Queen Elizabeth.
How we help
The Trustees grant funds for the benefit of members and former members of the Armed Forces of the Crown and their dependants serving or resident in the area of benefit, for the purpose of furthering the religious and other charitable work of the Church of England and the promotion of the efficiency of the Armed Forces of the Crown by the provision of benefits not normally provided out of public funds.
The Trustees are aware of and consider the Charity Commission's guidance on public benefit, and in particular, the specific guidance on charities for the advancement of religion.
Where we help
Although the Trust has a long history associated with Aldershot, over the years, the area of benefit has expanded and now includes: Hampshire, Surrey, Dorset, Wiltshire, Berkshire, IoW, West & East Sussex, Kent and Oxfordshire. In 2022 the area of benefit was further expanded to include: Somerset & Avon, Devonshire, Gloucestershire, Cornwall and Bristol.
The Trust can only accept grant applications that fall within the above remit and area of benefit.
The Trust will consider grant applications on completion of the application form below. Approval is generally towards projects for facilities. Note the Trust does not award grants to individuals.
Please contact the Clerk by email at acest.org@gmail.com if you need further guidance.
Applying for a Grant
The Trustees meet quarterly to consider grant applications in January, April, July and October.
The Trust does not accept grant applications from individuals.
Grant applications
Grant requests from the Armed Forces must be from Units within the area of benefit shown above and presented on the Trust's application form, which may be downloaded from this web-site in PDF or Word Format (see link below). The application must be signed and supported by an Anglican Chaplain and the Commanding Officer.
All applications from Army units in the area of benefit must be submitted through HQ Regional Command following the process in ACSO 3206. The POC is Major John Symmons at Lived Experience. Email address John.Symmons517@mod.gov.uk
Applications from RN and RAF establishments within ACEST's area of benefit, are to be approved by the Anglican chaplain and Station Commander or equivalent, and may be sent directly to: The Clerk, ACEST, 12 New Odiham Road, Alton, Hampshire GU34 1QD.
Chaplains from all three Services may submit applications direct, using the relevant form below for consideration.
Charities with strong Service links within the same area should first enquire of the Clerk regarding possible eligibility before submitting an ACEST application. Grant requests from non-Service organisations may be presented using the Trust application form or by a formal letter of application sent to The Clerk as above.
All applications must clearly explain the amount of funds required and the benefit to be achieved upon completion of the project. The Trustees may pledge funds towards larger projects, but will normally require confirmation that the project will be going ahead before ACEST funds are released.
The Trustees will not agree to fund ongoing running or maintenance costs.
If you have any questions regarding a grant application, please contact the Clerk.
Completed grant requests must be passed to the Clerk by the last day of December, March, June & September to be considered at the next Trustees' meeting. Requests received after this date may not be considered until the following meeting.
Download Application Form - Service (doc)
Download Application Form - Service (PDF)
Download Application Form - Chaplaincy Route (doc)
Download Application Form - Non-Service (doc)